George C. Kaplan wrote:
Phil Mayers wrote:
I'll try to give an example.  Suppose you had two entries, using '=='
for the same user:

plong   Auth-Type = Local, User-Password == "126"

plong   Auth-Type = Local, User-Password == "123"

Then, if 'plong' supplies the password "123", the 'files' module
(which processes the 'users' file) will select the second entry, then
the authentication module will compare the passwords in the request
and config items, and the user will be accepted.

Hmm. So it does. I didn't think the server behaved that way. It does not
seem terribly consistent.

OK, now *I'm* confused.  What's inconsistent about the above behavior?

I was referring to the use of the == versus := operator against User-Password being inconsistent:

== compares THERE AND THEN the "request" User-Password to the right-hand-side of the operator. It will only ever work for PAP requests, not CHAP, MS-CHAP, digest, etc.

:= sets the config/check User-Password to the right hand side of the operator. The authorize section completes, then authenticate is run, and the server uses the password in the config items to check the password in the request items - this will work for all authentication types. - List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See

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