I am trying to make use of a variable that should be stored
as: %{config:client[%{Packet-Src-IP-Address}].shortname}

Alan discusses it here...

states it is in CVS back in MARCH 2005 and I am running v1.1.2

and my client is listed in clients.conf by IP address (the same IP address as 
the source packet)

postauth_query = "update wireless_data set tower = 
'%{config:client[%{Packet-Src-IP-Address}].shortname}' where serial = .....

<radiusd -X>
rlm_sql (waverider): Processing sql_postauth
radius_xlat:  '60:07:93'
rlm_sql (waverider): sql_set_user escaped user --> '60:07:93'
radius_xlat: Running registered xlat function of module config for string 
config: No such section client[%{Packet-Src-IP-Address}] in format string 
radius_xlat:  'update wireless_data set tower = '' where serial = 'E' + 
substring('60:07:93',2,1) + substring('60:07:93',4,2) +

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