Alexander Serkin wrote:

> > Nicolas Baradakis wrote:
> >
> > > Maybe you could use "radsqlrelay" for accounting data, so FreeRADIUS
> > > doesn't interact with the database anymore. See the manpages for
> > > rlm_sql_log(5) and radsqlrelay(8) for more details.
> >
> > didn't think about this yet. Is it possible to run radsqlrelay similar 
> > to radrelay - when it feeds the sql log to db while the log is being 
> > written by radiusd?

You'll find an answer in the manpages mentioned earlier.

> Oracle is not supported by radsqlrelay?
> # radsqlrelay -b CDMA -d oracle -h host -P 1521 -p pass -u user -x ./tst-sql
> error: SQL driver not supported yet: oracle

There is no Oracle support yet, because I couldn't test it when I wrote
radsqlrelay. As Perl DBI includes an Oracle driver, it should be trivial
to add. It's just a 2 lines patch in script/radsqlrelay.

> This is very strange because i remeber that i used it once after some 
> maintenance operations with our oracle DB. May be with freeradius-1.1.1.
> Something changed?

radsqlrelay was added in version 1.1.0 and since then it was never
changed. (you can check the CVS log if you want)

Nicolas Baradakis

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