I'm setting up a new AAA server here using freeradius. 

I am just attempting to get it to authenticate using /etc/passwd (unix
style) and I am getting this error:

Thu Aug 17 11:06:51 2006 : Debug:   rad_check_password:  Found Auth-Type
Thu Aug 17 11:06:51 2006 : Debug: auth: type "System"
Thu Aug 17 11:06:51 2006 : Debug:   ERROR: Unknown value specified for
Auth-Type.  Cannot perform requested action.
Thu Aug 17 11:06:51 2006 : Debug: auth: Failed to validate the user.

This is my module configuration:

unix {    
                cache = no
                cache_reload = 600
                passwd = /etc/passwd
                group = /etc/group
                shadow = /etc/shadow
                radwtmp = ${logdir}/radwtmp

Anyone have any advice for me?


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