Mr. Peter,

I did a test right now with the command line "php", for example "php test.php" and it works!

test.php is a program I've created to retrieve some tables from the oracle server. (tcpdump  in oracle server shows traffic correctly this way)

But when I try to open test.php from the apache web page, it states Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '>' in /www/htdocs/test.php on line 10 (then, tcpdump in oracle server shows nothing)

I think that the same problem is blocking dialupadmin from connecting with oracle.

What might it be?


On 8/31/06, Guilherme Franco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Yes, I configured it with the option "--with-oci8", and phpinfo() shows oci8 support as enabled.

This machine (dialupadmin server) is standalone (oracle in other server and radius in other).

I'm trying to use sqlplus from the dialupadmin server but it gives me either ORA-12546 TNS permission denied or ORA-12514 TNS listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor.

I've researched a lot about this problems but found nothing.

note: (I've read somewhere that oci does not work well with modules, just with static php links)

Please help.

Thank you very much.

On 8/31/06, Peter Nixon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Thu 31 Aug 2006 16:17, Guilherme Franco wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm getting this error *Could not connect to SQL database. *in dialupadmin.
> (using OCI8 with ORACLE)
> *
> *Radiusd connects to Oracle without any problems, dialupadmin don't.

Does your PHP module have Oracle support?


Peter Nixon
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