Yves ruff wrote:
> Jurgen van Vliet wrote:
>> Hi people, 
> hi,
>> At the 1st login of a client, the MAC adress is put into the database
>> At all next logins, if the MAC adress of that client does not match the
>> allready recorded MAC adress the login gets rejected.
> <>
> Imho, linking user and hardware is not a good idea: what if a user get
> an new network card, a new pc.... ?
Actually, that's something I would also like to know how to do best. We
have a similar situation here, but instead of MAC addresses we would
need to record the NAS-Port-Id sent by the NAS. The NAS is the access
controller for ADSL from a large telecomm here in São Paulo.

Does somebody have a good sugestion on how to record such an info (MAC
in Jurgen's case, NAS-Port-Id in my case) at the first access, and
verify it in the following times?

Thank you,

Marcos Roberto Greiner

|                     Marcos Roberto Greiner                        | 
|                                                                   | 
|         Os otimistas acham que estamos no melhor dos mundos       | 
|         Os pessimistas tem medo de que isto seja verdade          | 
|                                                     Murphy        | 
|                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]                           | 

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