Alan DeKok wrote:
Kostas Kalevras <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Just a side note on the clone packets issue i ve come across it in
another situation. We act as a proxy for various ISPs and we need to
have a way to replicate accounting-on/off packets (which obviously
don't carry a [EMAIL PROTECTED] attribute) to all ISPs. But currently
this is not possible since we have a server logic of one request,one
thread. Being able to use multiple Proxy-To-Realm attributes would
be great.

  I think the easiest way to do this is to write a special-purpose 1-N
proxying server.  It's special purpose enough that I'm not sure that
work belongs in the server core.  i.e. Doing N proxies means what,
exactly for pre/post-proxy sections?  Do we add a queue of proxied
packets to the REQUEST?

  The 1-N proxying server can look for special "proxy to X" attributes
in the packet, strip them out, and proxy the packet to N different
places.  It can even read proxy.conf, so there's one source for
configuration files.  With a little more work, it can also read the
"detail" files, and be radrelay, too.

How would the proxy.conf work? Would you define N identical realms with different remote servers, and the 1-N proxy server would replicate to the first N matches it finds in proxy.conf?


  I don't think that's hard to do.

  Alan DeKok.
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