
How can I transform freeradius server in a proxy?
I configured the proxy.conf, but seems dont work


proxy server {
    synchronous = no
    retry_delay = 5
    retry_count = 3
    dead_time = 120
    default_fallback = yes
   post_proxy_authorize = no

realm DEFAULT {  
        type            = radius
        authhost        = mydomain.br
        accthost        = mydomain.br
        secret          = mysecret

And I uncommnet the line in radiusd.conf:

proxy_requests  = yes
$INCLUDE  ${confdir}/proxy.conf

I wanna do this:
|Openser| -> |Radiusclient| -> |Freeradius| -> |IAS| -> |AD|
Its work?

And in IAS should I configured anything?

Sorry for the portuguese e-mail.


This list is in English.

> Como faço para transformar o Freeradius num cliente do IAS? Existe algum
> tutorial, ou artigo? Se for sem passar pelo servidor freeradius eu já
> configurei o radiusclient para ir direto ao IAS, mas não deu certo, nada
> acontece, e o pior de tudo que não tenho nem como debugar o problema e o
> arquivo de log do IAS é muito fraco.
> |Openser| -> |Radiusclient| -> |Freeradius| -> |IAS| -> |AD|
> Da pra fazer isso? Como faço isso?
> Alguma idéia?

If I got you right, all you want to do is use FreeRADIUS as a proxy to
communicate to an IAS which does the authentication. This is easy, all you
need to do is proxy all incoming requests to the IAS. See proxy.conf, read
it, try it, and if doesn't work for you ask here again. But in English
please, it's been quite a time since I had Spanish in school.


Stefan Winter


RESTENA Foundation - Réseau Téléinformatique de l'Education Nationale et de
la Recherche
R&D Engineer

6, rue Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi
L-1359 Luxembourg
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]     Tel.:     +352 424409-1
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