On Wed 20 Sep 2006 14:09, Tariq Rashid wrote:
> With modern operating systems we have various server task scheduling
> options available to use.
> We can either use OSes modified to provide soft real-time such as versions
> of Linux. We can also ask the task schedulers to give certain processes
> either higher priority or to give them real-time alike scheduling, as is
> possible in Solaris and maybe Linux.
> I wonder of anyone has experimented with observing FreeRadius performance
> under load conditions with these options? We shouldn't expect faster
> performance, but we may achieve more consistent behaviour - for example a
> smaller variance in response times.
> Thoughts and suggestions welcome.

Realtime typically is used for Telecom and Telemetry applications. I can't 
think of any reason why you would need a radius server to run as realtime 
however... Generally you are in any case waiting on a backend LDAP or SQL 
database in any case..



Peter Nixon
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