Thanks for all the answers Mr. Peter!

To clarify some things:

NONE of the ippool modules let you set the pool name. You HAVE to set
Pool-Name = whatever as a check item!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The radcheck table already have Pool-Name := "whatever" as a
attribute, op, value for all users, but that's ok because I can set it
manually in sqlippool.conf and the select DOES run in the correct
table then (xlat outputs correctly then and I did a network sniff that
shows the query is ok).

Other issue is related to multiple pools, one with dynamic IP's and
other with fixed ones (actually it's not possible to do that with only
just one sqlippool.conf file without modifying rlm_sqlippool.c).

IT IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Run two copies of the module!

Sorry, i meant that I think that it is not possible without loading 2
or more modules (just with one module and one sqlippool.conf) dumb
question, sorry.

Another thing lies in proxy -> if the proxy returns IP
for me, sqlippool does not overrides it and do nothing (it doesn't
have the override = yes option like ippool).

This can be added. Although why would you return an IP like that when you dont
need to? Just return the Pool-Name and let the module do its job.

I didn't think about it, thanks.

Besides that I had to remove the BEGIN statement of allocate-begin
(and all other begins)  because oracle does not need it, and if you
need to specify begin, then it needs to be in a different way (through
the sniff, I saw that the begin was stated, then 4 "space" chars and
then a "/" which is the same as doing "BEGIN;    /" in sqlplus,
generating "ORA end-of-file errors") Don't know from where that "/"
came from thought. To solve this, I had to change "BEGIN" in
allocate-begin for "commit" (a normal oracle operation before any

About the postgresql installation, I was thinking in installing it. I
will do that just to see it's behaviour, thanks.


On 9/29/06, Peter Nixon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Fri 29 Sep 2006 01:02, Guilherme Franco wrote:
> Thank you very much for your kindness.
> I'm sorry, again, for posting too much questions about this.
> It's correct that I'm trying to put this in production as this is the
> only module that does not worked for me.
> I'm happy with dialup_admin, AAA and everything else in Oracle!
> The only missing thing is sqlippool :(
> I know that it is an experimental module and I also have limited time
> to work on this module as it's not for me, it's for another company.
> In the mean time, I'm using regular ippool db in a NFS with just 1
> radius active per time (to prevent lockups). That was the only way
> I've managed to do ippools with 2 servers (is there any
> alternatives?).
> As you see I can't abandon oracle, nor install postgre as it would
> break up some dependencies with other oracle databases that we have.
> I'm being such a pain for you guys because the sqlippool module is
> almost working! If I saw that it wouldn't work at all, I would never
> took the time to work in it as I'm taking now :)
> I appreciate your concerns and as I'm out of time to deliver the
> solution to the client, I think I can't try sqlippool anymore.
> That's a shame because I'm almost there!
> Now that I've managed to change somethings it's doing all the selects
> without any errors (that return ie: ip in sqlplus) but it's
> stating sqlippool_query1: row[0] returned NULL in radiusd -X ( how can
> it be null if the select was successful? ). It's the only [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> that is preventing the user to get an IP!! That kind of things just
> take time to debug...
> Besides that, if I don't set pool_name = "name_of_the_pool" in
> sqlippool.conf, allocate-find tries to select from "ippool" (wich does
> not exists) instead of the one I've set in radippool table.

I would double check this behaviour. It should not select at all if there is
no pool-name.

NONE of the ippool modules let you set the pool name. You HAVE to set
Pool-Name = whatever as a check item!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

> Other issue is related to multiple pools, one with dynamic IP's and
> other with fixed ones (actually it's not possible to do that with only
> just one sqlippool.conf file without modifying rlm_sqlippool.c).

IT IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Run two copies of the module!

> Another thing lies in proxy -> if the proxy returns IP
> for me, sqlippool does not overrides it and do nothing (it doesn't
> have the override = yes option like ippool).

This can be added. Although why would you return an IP like that when you dont
need to? Just return the Pool-Name and let the module do its job.

> So, to close this out, I would REALLY LIKE to make this work and help
> you guys  as well, but because of lack of time, the only way would do
> this as an enhancement to the already deployed solution for the
> client, thanks.

Do you have sqlippool working with Postgresql?? it seems to me that you do not
quite understand how it works which tells me that you dont have a working
installation to compare with. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A WORKING INSTALLATION OF



Peter Nixon
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