I post here a cleaner solution to my need, and propose the opportunity to
have an even better way to code this (but requires a patch).

The Goal
I wanted to be able to manage temporary accounts for guests:
* these accounts are created in advance, but mustn't be valid before a given
* these account have an expiration date
* these account must be valid within a given time range

One current solution to achieve this
The current solution is to create a local String attribute (3000<id<4000) in
the dictionary file /etc/raddb/dictionary:
ATTRIBUTE       My-Local-NotBefore      3000    string

Then in the hint file, I add the current date to the request (for my NAS
         My-Local-NotBefore = `%D`

In the users file, I add the 'Myuser' user, who can log in within the
following time range '12 Dec to 13 Dec 2006, from 8AM to 9 PM':
Myuser  NAS-IP-Address ==, Auth-Type = Local, User-Password ==
MyPass, My-Local-NotBefore >= 20061212, Login-Time := 'Wk0800-2100',
Expiration := "14 Dec 2006"
        Fall-Through = no

It is working, but is just a pity that the NotBefore and Expiration part are
not handled the same way, though beeing quite similar.

Enhancement proposal

Why not implement the NotBefore part in the FR server code as it is already
done for Expiration ?

It would require (AFAIK):
* Adding an offical "NotBefore" internal freeradius dictionary
* Add a "#define PW_NOTBEFORE" definition in include/radius.h
* Add a time check to the "check_expiration" function in main/auth.c
* Optionnal ??? Add a notbeforecmp function and a  "paircompare_register"
call to main/valuepair.c ????

However, I had no report so far that this could prove to be useful to
someone else, so I wonder if It is worth implementing.

If you think this could be useful, I'll try to propose a patch.


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