>>   There are already small DHCP servers (dnsmasq, udhcp), but there is no
>> supported open source server that can do leases from a DB, and no open
>> source server that scales to 10M records.
> Sauron?  http://sauron.jyu.fi/

  It's a front end, not a server.  Try adding 10M records to SQL: not a
problem.  Try adding 10M records to ISC DHCPD: 10m startup time with an
*empty* leases file.

  Sauron would be a fair bit easier if the DNS/DHCP protocol servers
would read/write to SQL natively.  Plus, the data in the GUI would be
live, rather than stale.

  See a post to the sauron list describing this exact problem:

>>   The questions on the ISC DHCP list aren't too bad. :)
> I'm awaiting their new versions patiently ;-)

  3.1, in which the failover protocol is incompatible with 3.0?

  Alan DeKok.
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