Hi Alan and everyone,

In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Alan DeKok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
David Wood wrote:
I am the maintainer of the FreeBSD FreeRADIUS port starting from version
1.1.3. It's probably about time I revealed myself here.

 Thanks.  There's been the occasional question.  Having an authority
here is useful.

I'll do my best - having taken on the port, I'll do my best to support it properly.

As is usual for a FreeBSD port (see the FreeBSD Porter's Handbook,
section 7.2), the port installs the sample FreeRADIUS configuration, but
the name of each file has a suffix, in this case .sample. This is to
stop port upgrades, or deinstall/reinstalls, from wiping your
hand-crafted configuration.

 But the FreeRADIUS make files do that already...  Yes, I know not all
projects are that smart, but still...

I know.

In the case of FreeRADIUS, assuming you don't set PREFIX explicitly to
something else, the default configuration files go in
/usr/local/etc/raddb, suffixed with .sample - so
/usr/local/etc/raddb/radiusd.conf.sample and so on.

 That's awkward.  Especially because the sample configs *work* out of
the box.  That's the whole point of the sample configs.  And worse,
there are a number of files that need to be set up properly before the
server runs, which makes copying the sample files even more work.

 Could you update the port to install the files if they don't already

I didn't design the port, I merely inherited what is already there. I agree that the behaviour to date was less than helpful, so I've made the necessary changes to the port and have submitted them.

See FreeBSD PR ports/108196 at
<http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=ports/108196> for a description of the new behaviour and the patch that I hope will be committed soon.

I've fixed a few minor problems whilst I was there. I've no idea when one of the committers will pick this up and commit it to the CVS, but usually updates from maintainers are committed within a few days. Anyone that uses the recommended portsnap(1) tool in recent versions of FreeBSD will then pick up the revised port.

I updated the port to 1.1.2 before taking the maintainership. I took the maintainership when updating it to 1.1.3, and I have subsequently updated the port to 1.1.4.

As well as the version updates and today's batch of changes, I have also:

* tossed out an obsolete source patch that changed the MSCHAP behaviour, and documented with_ntdomain_hack as its replacement when necessary. With this done, the functionality of the port matches the code released by the FreeRADIUS project as the only patches the port applies are build related.

* added various FreeRADIUS features to the port.

* added an option to disable rlm_perl and the dependency on perl (particularly for someone wanting to build FreeRADIUS for a Soekris board or similar and not wanting all the extra weight of perl).

* updated the package description to the text from the FreeRADIUS home page (as the INTRO section of doc/README that was previously used is a bit crufty, also the original description had a reference to the obsolete livingston mailing list included). See <http://www.freshports.org/net/freeradius/>

I'm not saying that I've got everything yet, but I think the port is now in good shape. If anyone wants to suggest further changes, or audits the port and finds any problems, I'm listening. Patches are particularly welcome, of course.

Best wishes,

David Wood
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