Miguel Reategui wrote:
> I believe I found the problem and I will describe it here as it might
> help others
> Looks like for some reason the only access-request that was issued, was
> being resent endlessly: 
> The block below would be repeated 192 times (I don't know why) each time
> adding one more Proxy-State line

  Ah.  You configured the server to proxy requests to itself.  That's a
routing loop.  If you had run the server in debugging mode as the FAQ,
README, INSTALL, etc. say, you would have seen this.

  i.e. When the server receives one packet, it quickly receives tons
more, each with one more Proxy-State.

  The short answer is "don't do that."  This is a rare enough problem
that there isn't code in the server to catch this misconfiguration.

  Alan DeKok.
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