Zitat von Semenenko Pavel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I have 2.6.18-gentoo-r6 kernel, and freeradius-1.1.3-r2
I correctly configure radius for working with certificates in debug mode (radiusd -fX), then add it into init scripts, and try to start...
it don't start ;(

# /usr/sbin/radiusd
Sun Jan 28 20:58:13 2007 : Info: Starting - reading configuration files ...

In log only:
# cat /var/log/radius/radius.log | tail -n 1
Sun Jan 28 20:58:13 2007 : Info: rlm_eap_tls: Loading the certificate file as a chain
just a suggestion of a non-expert:
if this is the point as freeradius stops: did you check that the tls-related files (certs etc.) are readable by the user/group freeradius is running if started by init? Just for testing: set the permissions to 666 and see if radiusd starts

I try rebuild radius, try version 1.1.4, without result.

Any ideas?..


Markus Krause                                   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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