Alan DeKok napisał(a):
tzieleniewski wrote:
I am using mysql module as the authorization module and I get the following warning:
!!!    Replacing User-Password in config items with Cleartext-Password.     !!!
!!! Please update your configuration so that the "known good"               !!!
!!! clear text password is in Cleartext-Password, and not in User-Password. !!!

How can I force sql module to put the password value taken from the database into the Cleartext-Password instead od User-Password??

  Update the data in the SQL database?  You have the string
"User-Password".  Change it to "Cleartext-Password".

And one more question but about digest module:
Will it work if I will use a sql module in authorize section and then digest in the authentication?? 

  Yes.  You should list "digest" in the authorize section, too, as the
example config file shows.
Thanks for your answer.
Please answer my one more question so I will be sure I understand matters right.

the authorize section is the section which defines procedures responsible for granting a user an access to specific type of service.
For instance if we use sql or files module in authorize section we can intuitivly imagine that they do some checks about user data.
For instance checks if data are present in the users file or in the data base.
And then in the authentication section they are for innstance authenticate with the pap module wich makes the verification between the data
received from access packet and those taken from the users file or data base.
but there is another situation a little bit confusing when we for instance call the chap, mschap or ldap modules in the authorize section and then
in the authenticate section. Does it work this way that somehow those modules know that they are invoked in different phases(authorize, authenticate)
and perform different operations according to the needs??  Or for instance the digest module what those the authorize section really do??
Does it take any data from the users file ?? Or it just check the data format and stuff??
for instance
authorise {
authenticate {
        authtype PAP {
        authtype CHAP {
        authtype MS-CHAP{

I can really get the filling of those authtype declarations in the authenticate section
Im sure that few words of explanation will make me to understand everything.

Thank for any help
  Alan DeKok.
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