Dear All,
Anyone can help how to rewrite the password attribute, i want to replace the password with a new one from a file. i'm trying to use the "echo" but it didnt work....

Ashraf Al-Basti wrote:

i change the process as follow to replace the username with a one from a file but i have the following error,
attr_rewrite fixusername {
                attribute = User-Name
# may be "packet", "reply", "proxy", "proxy_reply" or "config"
                searchin = proxy
                searchfor ="wanadoo"
                replacewith = %{exec:/bin/cat /var/www/html/user}
                ignore_case = no
                new_attribute = no
                max_matches = 10
# ## If set to yes then the replace string will be appended to the original string
#               append = no

radius_xlat:  'wanadoo'
WARNING: Attempt to use unknown xlat function, or non-existent attribute in string %{exec:/bin/cat}
radius_xlat:  ''
rlm_attr_rewrite: xlat on replace string failed.

Alan DeKok wrote:

Ashraf Al-Basti wrote:
Thanks Alan......
But do have any idea to work around that?

 See the FAQ.  If the NAS doesn't send data in an accounting packet, go
read the NAS documentation to see how to configure it to send that

 But send User-Password?  Nope.  It's impossible.

 Alan DeKok.
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