On Fri 09 Feb 2007 12:04, Foo JH wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm using the precompiled binary of FreeRadius from freeradius.net.
> Well, I'm happy to say that it works!
> My last challenge with FreeRadius is getting it to work with MySQL. I
> don't know if MySQL connectivity is possible with the precompiled
> Windows version. Can anyone confirm this? Cos I'm not getting very far
> trying to activate mysql.
> Basically I uncommented the sql line in line 2017 (under accounting),
> and the daemon will not run any more. It complains:
> Error: radiusd.conf[2017] Unknown module "sql"
> Can anyone comment on this? Thanks.

As far as we know the windows binary from freeradius.net contains no sql 
support at all. you should recompile it yourself or contact the packager.



Peter Nixon
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