
        More info about my problem... In the radius.log file I have a lot of
entries of the form:

Tue Feb 13 12:12:13 2007 : Error: rlm_radutmp: Logout for NAS ap port
1627, but no Login record
Tue Feb 13 12:12:35 2007 : Error: rlm_radutmp: Logout for NAS ap port
3100, but no Login record
Tue Feb 13 12:12:46 2007 : Error: rlm_radutmp: Logout for NAS ap port
8726, but no Login record

Angel L. Mateo Martínez
Sección de Telemática
Área de Tecnologías de la Información       _o)
y las Comunicaciones Aplicadas (ATICA)      / \\
http://www.um.es/atica                    _(___V
Tfo: 968367590
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