
Same with me, but acct is necessary.

The solution was radsqlrelay.



On 2/13/07, Stefan Winter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> 1.1.4 will run for a few hours and then either stop responding to
> requests or die.   There is no seg fault warning in any log file.  If I
> restart radius, it then begins answering again.  Since it is a
> production environment in which 300-500 users are connected at any given
> time, we were unable to simply turn on debugging and look for problems.
> Once we realized the problem we had to quickly revert to 1.0.5 for now
> and make our relatively few Vista users for a little longer.

Interesting... I've been seeing exactly this happening on our own system.
our case, I could track it down to the fact that it stopped responding
shortly after accounting packets came in. Turning off accounting (already
NAS level) deterministically solved the problem for me, so I suspect the
problem to be somewhere near there.
I never followed this trace, because accounting is optional at our site
wireless) and it was our prod environment, I didn't want to mess around
without a good reason. So accounting is just off at the moment.

> I am going to try running it in debug mode over a weekend in a
> particular subset of the school's wireless network where not many users
> would be affected by a crash and see if I can collect any more
> information.  I will do it on a system that never had any earlier
> version of freeradius installed on it, just to be safe.  In the
> meantime, any advice would be appreciated.

Is it an option to not do accounting? Or maybe queue the acct in files
than a proper backend (for me, the issue happened in combination with
I never tried if the hangs occur also when logging to a file.


Stefan Winter


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