Alan DeKok.

>   Yes.  The answer is to not use DNS names for clients.  Use IP addresses.

True if the radiusd daemon doesnt die if cant reach the IP addresses :)
Will test it tomorrow when I get back to work, and switch immidiedly
if that's the case. If not then it's just bind on a *nix platform vs cisco
or some other hardware.. which one would you bet on... :)


>> Is there any particular reason for radius not to spew out error message
>> to the logs and declare the client "dead" or "unresolvable "

Alan DeKok.

> It's intentional.  It indicates that your configuration is bad or broken.

What I had expected, there is a reason for it...

> and continue to function or is this just bad programming....

Sarcastic remark... Others can do it to Alan..

Alan DeKok.

>   i.e. you can't please everyone all of the time.

Question about keeping some function up and running vs non at all.
a.k.a 500 angry users vs 1 sysadmin who cant read/understand what radiusd
is telling him..

Personally I would go for the sysadmin
Me and angry mob not a good idea...

Alan DeKok.

> If you don't like the behavior of the software, change it.  That's why
> you have source.  Bad-mouthing the designers of a program because you
> don't untderstand the full implications of a design choice is a less
> useful choice than just fixing behavior you don't like.
>   Alan DeKok.

If I could I would but, freeradius would be last on my list in open source
to start "playing with" since it's such good program :)

Bad mouthing users of the program couse they dont fully understand the
functionality of the program is not a good philosophy either Alan..
User =! Developers so dont expect them to think like one..

Better, more informative documentation would help in that area.

Having high expectations about your book Alan, those things that you
have publist of it so far have cleared much more for me about freeradius
then any other document that is out there..

When you have finished writing it I quess 90% of all the question on
this list will vanish.

Best Regards
            Johann B.

Ps will it be released in hardcover..

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