Ok, so I put a list of usernames in the users file with an Auth-Type := EAP

Right now, everyone with a valid client certificate is authenticated (nobody
is listed in the users file).  Once I start enumerating them in the users
file, will it have an implicit deny all of everyone who isn't in the users

Also - is there a way to define a different users file per NAS?

On 2/17/07, Alan DeKok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Stephen Bowman wrote:
> When using EAP-TLS as the only method in freeradius, is there a way to
> define a list of allowed users, perhaps by the CN on their client
> certificate?

Or the User-Name attribute, which should be the same as the client CN.

  Alan DeKok.
  http://deployingradius.com       - The web site of the book
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