On Monday 19 February 2007 15:29, Ben Butler wrote:
> Hi,
> I am having some problems with attr_rewrite.
> What I want to do is the following at a pre authorisation phase:
> To
> User-Name = somedomain.com
> I want to call by attr_rewrite function for each of the domains that I want
> to stip the username from prior to authorisation.

I'm not very familiar with attr_rewrite, so I'm posting what I would do if I 
were presented with this issue.

We use the hints file to rewrite the request username, as needed.  A hints 
file example that should do what you want:

        User-Name := "somedomain.com"

Then just define somedomain.com in your users file (or DB) and process it like 
a normal request.

Kevin Bonner

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