lolo wrote:
> I define a user in the "users" file following the examples given in the same
> file:
> "
> Mickey                Auth-Type :=Local, User-Password == "mouse"
>               Reply-Message = "Hello mickey mouse"
> "

  1.1.5 will contain updated examples.

  You should be using:

Mickey  Cleartext-Password := "mouse"
        Reply-Message = "Hello mickey mouse"
> I found a 'work-around' (using the Unix user), but could somebody explain me
> why do I get accepted or not depending on the "Framed-Protocol == PPP" flag
> sent in the request or not, and depending on the way I specify the user
> (file or Unix account)?

  Read the debug output, as suggested in the FAQ, README, INSTALL, and
daily on this list.

  Alan DeKok.
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