Hi everybody,

I have a problem with freeradius 1.0.2 and mysql 4.0.24, on a debian stable, used for about 1700 clients. I often have (about 10 times an hour) errors like these:

Tue Mar 20 12:21:29 2007 : Auth: Login incorrect: [XXXX/YYYYY] (from client ZZZZ port 0) Tue Mar 20 12:21:40 2007 : Info: rlm_sql (sql): No matching entry in the database for request from user [XXXXX] Tue Mar 20 12:21:40 2007 : Auth: Login incorrect: [XXXXX/YYYYY] (from client ZZZZ port 0) Tue Mar 20 12:22:00 2007 : Info: rlm_sql (sql): No matching entry in the database for request from user [XXXXX] Tue Mar 20 12:22:00 2007 : Auth: Login incorrect: [XXXXX/YYYYY] (from client ZZZZ port 0) Tue Mar 20 12:22:21 2007 : Auth: Login OK: [XXXXX/YYYYY] (from client ZZZZ port 0)

whereas, of course, the username exists, and the pass didn't change...

is this a problem with the freeradius config, or is the mysqlserver too busy?

thanks for your answers,


fn:Mathieu Lemaitre
adr:;;46 rue Jean Sans Peur;Lille;;59000;France
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel;work:03 20 78 24 23
tel;fax:03 20 77 58 11

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