Hi Alan,
On Tue, Apr 17, 2007 at 11:45:28AM +0200, Alan DeKok wrote:
>   *Please* run the server under valgrind to find the source of these
> problems.

==> finally I managed to compile valgrind and can give you thus its

I did fresh cvs checkout and then created a debian package on
woody(export LDFLAGS='-lz'; dpkg-buildpackage -b -uc -d).
Point 2) I've also compiled&tested on debian testing with the same result.

After cvs commits from this morning I'm getting segmentation faults in
following cases:

1) snmpwalk (read-query) - when reading the NAS entries
`/usr/local/bin/valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full freeradius -X
&> /devel/freeradius/debug/fr_snmp_walk_1.txt`

when running
`snmpwalk -Cc -v 1 -m
/devel/freeradius/cvs/radiusd/mibs/RADIUS-AUTH-SERVER-MIB.txt -c
verysecret localhost radiusAuth`

I get "Segmentation fault":-(

==> full -X debug output + valgrind:

2) when receiving HUP signal
==> full -X debug output + valgrind:

3) snmpset (write-query) - similar to 2)
==> similar output as in 2)

4) on any incoming radius request (when the corresponding NAS is stored
in mysql nas table)
==> full -X debug output + valgrind:

Am I doing something wrong? Nobody else experience similar behaviour?

Please advise.

PS: I like this http://pastebin.ca - it keeps the mailing lists clean...

Milan Holub
holub (at) thenet (dot) ch

 TheNet-Internet Services AG,
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 CH-3018, Bern, Switzerland
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