Unless I did something wrong mate it def doesnt build (dependancies
have diff names).

On the topic though. 1.1.6 built fine from the redhat spec file, I am
going to trial it once Im done with testing this ldap search problem.

On 4/19/07, Peter Nixon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu 19 Apr 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > > So I should be using the redhat spec file for fedora correct ? - will
> >
> > correct. SUSE is a very different beast to RedHat - as you have
> > discovered
> Erm.. Having said that, the SUSE spec file should and DOES build on Fedora as
> well. I have gone to quite some trouble to make it compatible with SUSE,
> Fedora and Mandriva.. The same is not true for the existing RedHat spec
> file..
> Cheers
> --
> Peter Nixon
> http://www.peternixon.net/
> PGP Key: http://www.peternixon.net/public.asc
> -
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