On Sun 22 Apr 2007, Alexander Papenburg wrote:
> Hi,
> iam just wondering if there are any "size" limitations on the
> clients.conf file.
> Background is:
> The current file consist of many /24 net-ranges and is currently 22k big
> ;) For the past days I recognised some strange activities but
> unfortunately only saw the
> following in the log:
> .....
> Auth: Login incorrect (Home Server says so): [aaliyah] (from client
> INET-X.X.X.X/16 port 2 cli A.B.C.D)
> .....
> Obviously A.B.C.D tries a Word-List-Attack on one device in the range
> but  I can't figure out on which one
> without going into debugging mode. 

Why dont you log failed auth to a detail file or database?


Peter Nixon
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