
Recently, I found the wrong realm in the detail files.
This log is captured from detail file.

Tue May  8 17:46:41 2007
       Class = 0x417074696c6f313a313a31383030
       User-Name = "ABC/[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
       Acct-Status-Type = Start
       Acct-Session-Id = "464046fecc9c08a5"
       Acct-Delay-Time = 0
       Acct-Authentic = RADIUS
       Framed-IP-Address = <Encrypted>
       NAS-IP-Address = <Encrypted>
       NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-802.11
       Event-Timestamp = "May  8 2007 17:46:41 CST"
       NAS-Identifier = "NAS"
       Vendor-13209-Attr-9 = 0x5157464e484150433037
       Called-Station-Id = <Encrypted>
       Calling-Station-Id = <Encrypted>
       Vendor-13209-Attr-1 = 0x5177617265507562537461726275636b73
       NAS-Port-Id = "NAS-Port"
       WISPr-Location-ID = <Encrypted>
       WISPr-Location-Name = <Encrypted>
       Proxy-State = 0x30
       Client-IP-Address = <Encrypted>
       Acct-Unique-Session-Id = "26719654223287c6"
       Stripped-User-Name = "ABC/950160"
       Realm = "def.org"
       Freeradius-Proxied-To = <Encrypted>
       Timestamp = 1178617601

I configured two realm in proxy.conf.
One is realm "ABC" (prefix mode), and another is "def.org" (suffix mode).

In my thinking, when request come into radius, prefix will work first then
suffix. (configured in radius.conf)
In this case, I should have a realm value "ABC" and Stripped-User-Name value
But I got the realm value "def.org" and Stripped-User-Name value

Is it a bug ? or some configuration I missed.

PS. I'm using freeradius-1.1.2.


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