Samson Martinez wrote:
> We are currently using a Redback SMS 500 to terminate PPPoE sessions for
> client desktops. Up until now an older Steelbelted Radius server has
> been used to authenticate RADIUS requests forwarded by the Redback and
> it's worked ok. We want to transfer the RADIUS support to a freeradius
> installation but I am having a bit of a fit trying to get it to work.

  See "radsniff" from the current release.  Watch the packets going TO
your old RADIUS server, and the responses comign BACK from it.
Configure FreeRADIUS to respond to requests with the same attributes.

  The NAS has no idea which server you're running.  All it sees is the
attributes in the packet.

  The solution is to first find out what needs to be sent back, and then
make FreeRADIUS send the correct response.  There is no magic, and there
is no need to fight with any configuration.

  The redback log looks like you're not sending back the correct
attributes.   If you don't know what attributes to send back, you WILL
NOT be able to solve the problem.

  Alan DeKok.
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