Hello Group,

    I am trying to use Dialup Admin on Free Radius 1.1.6.

I have the admin.conf file all setup, it will add, remove users from the
MySQL db, but it will not do the radius check by clicking on Check Server.

It outputs this:

Monday, 21 May 2007, 09:10:14 MDT

(test user cowpuppy)

Then It just hangs there.

I have tried everything in the admin.conf file, setting the host to
localhost, the hostname, the public ip address, and it still just hangs
there, and it never hits the actual radius server or completes the check.

I can login with the user cowpuppy just fine but dialup admin never shows
this when I look at the stats for cowpuppy.

When I run this command:

radtest cowpuppy testpass localhost 0 testing123

It accepts me, and it shows that in the radius.log, but dialup admin doesn't
recognize that.  I think it is a logging issue.  It looks like it needs to
log to the SQL server...  I am still working on that...

As always, thanks for any help you can offer.


Joseph Sullivan

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