On May 8, 2007, at 00:49, Alan DeKok wrote:

> Doug Hardie wrote:
>> FreeRadius 1.1.2 on FreeBSD 6.1 using libpthread.
>   Upgrade to 1.1.6.  It has a lot of fixes that may help.
>   It looks like it's crashing when starting a new child thread.  That
> may be a pthread issue in the underlying libraries.

The saga continues.  Digging around through the core dumps I noticed  
that often one of my modules was active in another thread and always  
at a fprintf statement.  I wondered if perhaps FreeBSD's fprintf  
statment was not always thread safe so I removed all of them.  Not  
the problem.  Now its dying on a simple assignment statement.   
However, thats obvious when you see the arguments to the authorize  
function:  Both zeros.  I didn't think that was supposed to happen.   
None of the included modules check for that condition.  Is this whats  
causing my problem or is it the result of the thread that is not able  
to get started properly?    I suspect the latter since the prior  
stack is corrupt.  I am tempted to put a check for that right at the  
beginning of the authorize function and just return if it happens.   
Good idea?

I am completely unable to replicate this situation on my test  
system.  I can run thousands of requests via multiple radclients  
without any problems.  I can drive the test system to overload and  
other than responses slow down a bit, it just works properly.

#0  0x2830a6e8 in ?? () from /usr/local/lib/rlm_lafn.so
#1  0x2830b9c0 in lafn_authorize (instance=0x0, request=0x0) at  
Previous frame inner to this frame (corrupt stack?)

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