On 2007-05-30 01:08, Krzysztof Olędzki wrote:
> On 2007-05-30 00:28, Dennis Skinner wrote:
>> Mati Katz wrote:
>>> hello
>>> i'm using the 1.1.5 version of freeradius.
>>> i have problem i setup a client in clients.conf that is a host name
>>> like fkatz.dyndns.org because my NAS has dynamic ip. When i try to
>>> login at first time (i use DD-WRT + chillispot built-in) i succeeded
>>> but after i receive new dynamic ip from my ISP the radius reject it
>>> because he doesn't know the new ip.
>>> The radius server works fine with IP static i tested.
>>> Also i checked lookup and ping to the fkatz.dyndns.org after the
>>> dynamic ip has changed and very fast it refreshs.
>> The simple answer is don't use dynamic hosts.
>> FreeRADIUS reads the clients file once at startup, resolves the IP's and
>> then stores those.  It won't know about the new IP until the daemon is
>> restarted (or in theory HUP'ed when that is fixed).
>> If you must use dynamic hosts, then you will need to specify an IP range
>> like this:
>> client {
>>        secret          = testing123-1
>>        shortname       = private-network-1
>> }
>> That would allow a NAS to have any of 254 different IP's and still be
>> able to talk to FreeRADIUS.  It would also allow anyone else on those
>> IP's who wants to talk to you NAS and can figure out the secret to
>> potentially do naughty things.
> Maybe "fastusers" with short hash_reload is able to solve that issue?

Ehh, sorry - totally wrong answer. So late, I should go sleep. ;)


                        Krzysztof Olędzki
Krzysztof Olędzki
Axel Springer Polska Sp. z o.o.
tel: +48-22-2320969
fax: +48-22-2325530
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