If you make a very secure and long shared secret and plan to change it
from time to time you should get away with it.

Ivan Kalik
Kalik Informatika ISP

Dana 30/5/2007, "Mati Katz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> piše:

>> >The simple answer is don't use dynamic hosts.
>> >FreeRADIUS reads the clients file once at startup, resolves the IP's and
>> >then stores those.  It won't know about the new IP until the daemon is
>> >restarted (or in theory HUP'ed when that is fixed).
>> >If you must use dynamic hosts, then you will need to specify an IP range
>> >like this:
>> >client {
>> >       secret          = testing123-1
>> >      shortname       = private-network-1
>> >}
>> >That would allow a NAS to have any of 254 different IP's and still be
>> >able to talk to FreeRADIUS.  It would also allow anyone else on those
>> >IP's who wants to talk to you NAS and can figure out the secret to
>> >potentially do naughty things.
>   Thanks Dennis, i understand what you say but i thought that there is a
>way to use dynamic Dns because not all people have static IP , here in
>Israel at least.
>I understand that using a range of Ip is not secure , isn't it ?

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