Problem with remote servers is only if packets are missing. If they are
(all) arriving it's no problem at all.

Accounting Stop packet should contain Acct-Stop-Time and
Acct-Session-Time. Run radiusd -X or radsniff and see what's in those
packets. Also have a look if the packets causing problems are not of
Interim-Update variety. As I said - they are spaced exactly at 15

Ivan Kalik
Kaliik Informatika ISP

Dana 6/6/2007, "Jeff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> piše:

>Just so yoo know these are from another radius server.  
>Virtual isp  
>in specific coming from globalpops  
>If fom anohter radius server makes a difference in whats happening.  
>also i see stop and start packets in detail file, and when looking  
>at the radacct table I see all the accounting info but the  acctstoptime and 
>for that session.  
>But its like the user dropped off and it didn't create or get that the user 
>was gone.  

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