Having been running freeradius in debug mode (with no problems at all) for a
month or so while testing and provisioning, it's time to put it in


Unfortunately, when I run it as a service, it dies after a few hours.  No
clues, no errors, no nothing . it just silently dies off.  Load is not a
factor - we're migrating our wireless networks to PPPOE, and right now just
have a handful of test users.  So freeradius isn't handling more than a
handful of requests per hour.


I'm running RHEL4, fully up2date.  Freeradius 1.1.6, using sqlippool and sql
accounting.  MySql 5.1 is on another machine.  If it makes any difference,
the init.d integration seems to be working fine, it correctly starts on
boot, and I can control it with 'service'.


Are there any logs or stats I could post to help give a clue?  I'm basically
looking at a blank wall, I have no idea how to even start trying to track
this one down.


As usual, TIA for any suggestions.


   -- hugh


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