Newbie Warning!!!
    I'm new to this community, however I am a quick study. I found some 
resources online about this very issue but wasn't able to get a resolution. 
Please clarify for me:


The step below: Does this go in radiusd.conf as well? 

attr_rewrite blank_password {
                 attribute = User-Password
                 searchin = packet
                 searchfor = ""
                 replacewith = "password"
                 ignore_case = yes
                 new_attribute = no
                 max_matches = 10
                 append = no

The solution given to this issue was as follows:

> And then I added something like this to the "users" file: 
> 00095B23389F    User-Password := "password"

00095B23389F Auth-Type := Accept

Ok I'm using sql for my user database, is there a sql equivalent to this 
What would be a work around as I've hit the same wall, but haven't jumped it 
Thanks in advance.

P.S. Take it easy on the noob, please.
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