Josh Howlett wrote:
> Gah, my message bounced owing to change of email address...
> Arran wrote:
>> Can you clear something up for me with inner/outer identity. 
>> The outer identity is in the User-Name attribute , it's a standard 
>> RADIUS attribute... Inner identity is encoded in the EAP message, and 
>> is pulled out by the EAP module prior to internal proxying and set as 
>> the User-Name attribute (which should overwrite the User-Name 
>> attribute in the request) ?
> Correct.
>> And it's standard practice to leave the outer identity as anonymous, 
>> as the only communication between the NAS and the Supplicant is EAP 
>> based when using EAPOL, and so the NAS would have to understand EAP to
>> be able to extract  the User-Name string and write it into the 
>> Access-Request packet ?
> Nope; see RFC 3579 for the gory details:
> "the NAS MUST copy the contents of the Type-Data field of the
> EAP-Response/Identity received from the peer into the User-Name
> attribute"

See thats what I suspected, else how could the User-Name attribute be 
populated in the access requests...
And indeed as the RFC states, the User-Identity needs to be set in the 
access requests for none EAP aware proxies. I suspect FreeRADIUS may 
count as one of these, as for all intensive purposes as it provides no 
mechanism to proxy arbitrary segments of an EAP conversation on inner 
identity alone.
Unless I missed something ?

> The use of "anonymous" is simply to preserve privacy; it's not a
> technical requirement of any EAP method (that I know of).
> An interesting tangent: note that "end-user identity hiding" is simply a
> "requirement" of RFC 4017 ("EAP Method Requirements for Wireless LANs"),
> which I think is a shame.
>> So although the NAS  must send an EAP-Identity-Request when the client
>> connects it's not required to understand the EAP-Identity-Response ?
> For the reason given above, it *does* need to understand the
> EAP-Identity-Response. But that's about it! The NAS is a pretty dumb
> device.
> josh.

Reason why I was asking is because most of the tests on the JRS test 
website seem to break when you base the reply in FreeRADIUS, on the 
inner identity as opposed to the outer identity.

So FreeRADIUS will copy all the attributes from the last attribute 
request into the internally proxied request, and base the reply  to the 
NAS, on the attributes coming back as the result of the internal proxy.
I have to do it like this else I get lots of duplicate reply attributes 
and things overwriting other things when they shouldn't.

PEAP seems to work ok, but all the other TTLS tests break.

Trying to track down what the issue is... I'll post some debug traces 
when i've moved the latest CVS to our "production" server.

Arran Cudbard-Bell ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Authentication, Authorisation and Accounting Officer
Infrastructure Services | ENG1 E1-1-08
University Of Sussex, Brighton
EXT:01273 873900 | INT: 3900
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