liran tal wrote:
> What I would like is the ability to extend the formal SIP ATTRIBUTES
> with my own set.

  Use a vendor-specific dictionary.  We're trying to convince the SER
people to do the same thing.

> And so, I tried adding myself some custom attributes to both dictionary
> files, the one on the
> freeradius server and the other on openser's radiusclient-ng server and
> tried for example this:
> ATTRIBUTE       Sip-Src-IP              900 string

  That won't work.  See the documentation for why.  i.e. "man
dictionary" in FreeRADIUS.

> My question is why, and how is it possible to do that?
> And the second question, is there a more extensive dictionary.sip file?

  No.  Create one.

  See the other vendor dictionaries for examples.  It's not hard.

  Alan DeKok.
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