>    users: Matched entry DEFAULT at line 76

>  rad_check_password:  Found Auth-Type System
>auth: type "System"

It looks like you have a DEFAULT entry in your users file setting
Auth-Type System that's breaking EAP. Remove it.

Ivan Kalik
Kalik Informatika ISP

>Thanks for the response.
>I was afraid that what I was attempting was impossible.  I had been
>trying to use PEAP rather than TTLS because PEAP is supported natively
>by windows, but I've switched to TTLS, using the w2secure TTLS client
>for windows.  I followed the instructions on the freeradius site for
>configuring system authentication with TTLS and EAP-MD5, but I am
>getting the error 'rlm_unix: Attribute "User-Password" is required for
>authentication'.  When a run 'radtest' locally, I can authenticate
>properly.  I have copied the output from radiusd -X below.
>Thank you for your help!

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