On Wed 11 Jul 2007, Peter Nixon wrote:
> -snip-
> > > that wasn't my understanding of how the expiration works in sqlippool.
> > > The 'allocate-clear' query looks like this:
> > >
> > > allocate-clear = "UPDATE radippool \
> > >   SET NASIPAddress = '', pool_key = 0, CallingStationId = '', \
> > >   expiry_time = NOW() - INTERVAL 1 SECOND \
> > >   WHERE pool_key = '${pool-key}'"
> > >
> > > Which, by my understanding, should only clear IP's for which we are
> > > seeing a REPEAT login on the same 'pool-key' (although I think it
> > > should probably add a test for the same NASIPAddress in the WHERE
> > > clause, I keep meaning to ask Peter about that).
> >
> > Thats probably not a bad idea.
> I take that back. It seems like a good idea, but that will break things
> for ISPs who have multiple NAS in failover or OSPF groups and therefore
> can happily assign the same IP to the same user even if they are connected
> to a different physical NAS.

I changed my mind 10min after sending this reply. I have added a NASIPAddress 
check by default with a comment of why you may want to disable it in certain 



Peter Nixon
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