Peter . as per your postgres 1.1.7 sqlippool queries, I changed the MySQL
ones to use %{SQL-User-Name} instead of %{User-Name} . only it doesn't seem
to pick up a value, so the UserName is coming up blank in the radippool




sqlippool_expand: 'UPDATE radippool   SET expiry_time = NOW() + INTERVAL
3600 SECOND   WHERE NASIPAddress = '%{Nas-IP-Address}'   AND pool_key =
'%{Calling-Station-Id}'   AND UserName = '%{SQL-User-Name}'   AND
CallingStationId = '%{Calling-Station-Id}'   AND FramedIPAddress =

radius_xlat:  'UPDATE radippool   SET expiry_time = NOW() + INTERVAL 3600
SECOND   WHERE NASIPAddress = ''   AND pool_key =
'00:14:6C:37:16:49'   AND UserName = ''   AND CallingStationId =
'00:14:6C:37:16:49'   AND FramedIPAddress = '''


This happens on both 1.1.6 and 1.1.7.


Should that be something like %{control:SQL-User-Name} ?


My apologies - I don't know how I missed this when testing yesterday.  I
guess it returned an IP just fine, so I didn't actually look at what it was
doing too closely!


   -- hugh




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