On Sep 2, 2007, at 08:52, George Beitis wrote:

you know of any products that can be used with freeradius to provide
such authorization facilities?  Using perhaps policies?

I have a number of authorization policies implemented using FreeRadius. I have a module that implements those policy decisions based on the attributes that are sent with the request. I believe the authorization decision is made after the authentication check, but not sure about that. A check of the debug output would show that clearly. However, either way would work for me. Both authentication and authorization have to pass or the request is denied. Generally I get more authorization failures than authentication failures. However, when a user's dialer corrupts the password, there will be a long string of authentication failures as they just keep trying the same thing over and over again. Most of them don't bother to read the returned message. After a week or so they will contact us.
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