  To restart the radius I knew only one command which is service radiusd 
restart;all what you have to do when you are in debuce mode is stoping it by 
using service radiusd stop, then you can restart it . I hope that this can help 

Dear            Thanks for the information.I am getting the logs when stopped  
server in debug mode. But the commands service radiusd stop and service  
radiusd restart is not working.So i killed the process radiusd using  kill 
command.Pls let me know the commands to stop and start the server  in normal 
mode.    Regards  Anoop        >   > Message: 2  > Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 
10:39:38 +0200 (CEST)  > From: inelec communication   > Subject: RE : LOGs of 
eap-tls authentication (inelec communication)  > To: FreeRadius users mailing 
list  >    > Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  > Content-Type: text/plain; 
charset=\"iso-8859-1\"  >   > Hello,  >      >   you have no logs in your 
radius.log file because you are running in  > debug mode , you have to run in 
normal mode to get the logs, so what you  > have to do is the following:  >   
first stop your debug mode by this command: service radiusd stop; then  >  
restart the service radius by: service radiusd
 restart; doing that you  > are in normal mode and you can do your wlan loging 
without any problem  > and you get your log.  >      >   regards  >   

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