Wojciech Ziniewicz wrote:
> Now , after deleting theese lines :
> I've got the following :
> rlm_sql (sql): No matching entry in the database for request from user [TEST]
>   modcall[authorize]: module "sql" returns notfound for request 0

  Then you did something else, or your configuration is NOT what you
said it was.

> Then after changing the operator to ":=" I've got again :

  Which operator?  The only entry you need is Cleartext-Password :=

  1) That's what you said you had
  2) the operator is already ":=".

>   rlm_chap: Using clear text password "TEST987" for user TEST authentication.
>   rlm_chap: Password check failed

  See?  Either the client is broken, OR the password you entered on the
client isn't the same as the one you put into the DB.

> THe pppoe client's are mainly windows XP , windows Vista, linux, 3com,
> cisco and netgear routers as well as the  pppoe-server is residing locally
> on the same machine as freeradius  (that stores everything in mysql on the
> other machine but that's not a clue) - none of them can authenticate so i
> cant'believe it's th broken ppp client .

  No... the RADIUS client is broken.  i.e. Maybe the PPPoE server.

  There have been a LOT of problems on this list which have been tracked
down to broken PPPoE servers.

  Alan DeKok.
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