Hi all,

First time poster here - go easy on me :)

We use freeradius for our O1 dialup customers, as well as our SuperNews customers. Our freeradius server authenticates via LDAP. We had a customer come in today mentioning they could not log in to their dialup account, so I went to the logs and did some testing. I tried logging in with his username and I received the invalid login. So I then tried another username, and was able to authenticate just fine, however I did not see anything in the logs to indicate a successful or unsuccessful login.

I am running freeradius 1.0.1-3.RHEL4.5 on CentOS 4.5.

I'm not sure what will be useful to provide you, since freeradius has so many configs. Please excuse me as radius is still a bit greek to me.

Please let me know what will help you help me troubleshoot, and I will be more than happy to provide.

Thanks in advance!


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