
I have the following scenario:

[1]NAS <--> [2]FreeRADIUS <--> [3]IAS

[1] A NAS that supports RADIUS. It sends request-packets with
"User-Password" set
in cleartext.

[2] A FreeRADIUS server that proxies certain users (by realm) to another
server (IAS).

[3] An IAS (Windows RADIUS). The problem is that this server ONLY accepts
ms-chap1 or ms-chap2 session.

Is there a common way to bypass this problem, I cannot find any?

I was thinking it would be nice to let FreeRADIUS act as an
ms-chap session client on behalf of the NAS, and then in the end only
send ACCEPT/DENY back to the NAS instead of proxying directly to the IAS
(which denies cleartext logins). Is this possible in some way?

Erling Paulsen
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