Alan DeKok a écrit :

Thanks for your answers.
The problem is when a computer tries to authenticate, the User-Name sent
is "host//computername/", but in ldap we have entrie like
/computername/$. So we have some attr_rewrite that removes host/ and
adds the dollar sign.

  Why?  You can just create a *new* attribute, Stripped-User-Name, with
the updated contents.  Then, configure the ldap module to look first for
Stripped-User-Name, and then User-Name:

  foo = "... %{Stripper-User-Name:%{User-Name}} ..."

  See doc/variables.txt

In the radiusd.conf config file, the %{Stripped-User-Name} is correctly created from %{User-Name}.
%{User-Name} looks like "host/computername" and is not modified,
%{Stripped-User-Name} looks like "computername$"

In the ldap module, it is %{Stripped-User-Name} that is used.
rlm_ldap finds correctly the entry, but EAP
complains about the user name change: "*rlm_eap: Identity does not match
User-Name, setting from EAP Identity.**
 rlm_eap: Failed in handler"

  Then... don't edit the User-Name.  There's no need to edit it.

  Alan DeKok.
I have made some tests with and without the %{User-Name} change, but nothing helps

I have another question: How does the EAP/MSCHAPV2 authentication work ? which username/password couples does it take ? and with which database does it compare to ?

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