OK I think I understand it now better. And I can do everything with unlang and ldap and no files module as I didn't find a way to use control AV pairs in the users file.

I do now in sites-enabled/default the following:

authorize {
       if (control:User-Location !=  "LDN" ) {
               update control {
                       Auth-Type := PAM
               update reply {
                       Reply-Message = " Accepted "
       else {
               update control {
                       Auth-Type := Reject
               update reply {
                       Reply-Message = " Rejected "
authenticate {
preacct {
accounting {

with user-location being mapped in ldap.attrmap to an ldap attribute of the user.

Does that look OK ?

Thank you

BTW Are you intereseted in my Mozilla SDK patch for the ldap module ?

"Alan DeKok" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Markus Moeller wrote:

 if ("%{ldap: stuff... }" == "bar") {
I didn't know that is possible. Where is this documented ? I thought I
read all FAQ and documentations.

 It's not really well documented, because it's not well tested.  If it
works, great.  If not...

The other questions I have is about the AV pairs used. As far as I
understand freeradius uses request, reply, check_tmp, internal only AV
pairs. Is there a document which module uses which for what purpose ?


Is there a process flow diagram somewhere describing how freeradius works ?


I understand
1)client -> server sends a request AV pair
2) server processes first authorisation modules and if fails end ?
3) server processes authentication modules and if fails end ?
4) server -> client sends reply AV pair

What is the use of check(item) AV  pairs ? Is it to communicate between
modules ?

 Among other things.  It's for things associated with the request that
don't need to go into a packet.

 Alan DeKok.
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