Keith Dovale - wrote:
> All I can say is, if you spent as much time helping people as you did coming 
> up with crap comments the world would be a better place. I have been 
> subscribed to this news list for a short while now, and you of all people 
> continually give people sarcastic comments.. Get a Life... 

  Hmm... I've spent nearly 10 years on this list helping people.  I've
told you multiple times what you need to do for anyone to help you.

  Yet... you haven't done anything.

> You have spent more time giving me crap comments, than one decent one saying 
> exactly what you would expect or need to look at this issue to resolve it. 
> You constantly have some crap comment to make, Like I said before I will find 
> out from another source. 

  You have been told multiple times that we need the entire debug log.
Yet you still refuse to post it.

> Instead of coming out with what you require you make these little noises 
> about how pathetic the poster is and shirk them off. You obviously have SDS...

  Er... no.  You've been told multiple times.  Apparently you haven't
read the instructions, or you haven't understood them, or you don't
intend to follow them.

  If you can't be bothered to follow the simplest of instructions,
there's little anyone can do to help you.

  Alan Dekok.
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